(Photos lost during site migration.)
April 26-29, 2007
Another Visit to the Kids in Oceanside
This isn't my idea of camping, but Guajome Park, where I usually stay in Oceanside, was full. At least parking here was free with a handicap placard. Others paid a high fee to overnight - or even park just for the day.
been over three months since I motored down to see my son and his
family in Oceanside, California, near San Diego. I had to stay at the
beach lot, and I just don't like crowds enough to enjoy such a camp
ground. But most of my time I spent at their home, so I did alright. I
need to make reservations two months in advance to get a space at
Guajome Park near their home.
We visited for a couple of days and I headed home early Sunday morning to avoid the LA traffic.