CoachPotato's RV Site

Our Rexhall Motorhome

Our boat and coach reside in the RV lot of our community. The coach house was built in March of 2010.

We bought a 25' travel trailer in 2002 to see how we like traveling with a RV. We liked it, and in June, 2003 we jumped into RVing with both feet - and bought this very comfortable Class A motor home. Our coach is a 2001 Rexhall Vision 315, a 32 foot coach.

Here the proud new owners pose soon after we bought the coach.

I still marvel at the magic carpet we call our coach. No matter where we go, we simply turn off the key and we’re at home: Air conditioner! Heater! Satellite TV! Hot shower! Microwave! Meals we make ourselves very easily and cheaply! A comfy bed and bedroom! We have it all and we can take it anywhere we please. As I often tell Wifey: The motorhome is one of mankind’s greatest inventions!

We live in the Central Valley of California, near Stockton. We are a retired couple with reasonably good health and the time to enjoy life as we've always wanted. Now we have the RV with which to see the country and visit friends and relatives most anywhere and anytime we please.

This site is about our travels and our coach. We hope you enjoy the travelogues and photos and that you return from time to time to see what we've been up to.

We've been hitting the road about every month since we bought our very comfortable coach. When we first bought it in June of 2003, it had less than 5,000 miles on it. As of September 2009 we have 75,000 miles logged. For a motor home, that's a lot of miles.

On occasion, I tow my fishing boat with the motorhome . My fishing adventures are recorded at my fishing website:

Note that the TV is where it belongs: In front of the couch. Nearly all Class A coaches other than Rexhalls have the TV mounted above the windshield. I've never figured that one out.


Here's the ol' trucker ready to put the hammer down. This isn't quite like the old truckin' days; there's no hurry, no worry, no dispatcher and no real schedule. We love it!

The signage on the rear cap is a personal touch that tells the world a bit about us.

On The Road Again!


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